This runs DeepExplainer with the model trained on simualted genomic data from the DeepLIFT repo (, using a dynamic reference (i.e. the reference varies depending on the input sequence; in this case, the reference is a collection of dinucleotide-shuffled versions of the input sequence)
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import print_function, division
Pull in the relevant data
In [2]:
! [[ ! -f sequences.simdata.gz ]] && wget
! [[ ! -f keras2_conv1d_record_5_model_PQzyq_modelJson.json ]] && wget
! [[ ! -f keras2_conv1d_record_5_model_PQzyq_modelWeights.h5 ]] && wget
! [[ ! -f test.txt.gz ]] && wget
Load the data
In [3]:
! pip install simdna
In [4]:
import simdna.synthetic as synthetic
import gzip
data_filename = "sequences.simdata.gz"
#read in the data in the testing set
test_ids_fh ="test.txt.gz","rb")
ids_to_load = [x.decode("utf-8").rstrip("\n") for x in test_ids_fh]
data = synthetic.read_simdata_file(data_filename, ids_to_load=ids_to_load)
In [5]:
import numpy as np
#this is set up for 1d convolutions where examples
#have dimensions (len, num_channels)
#the channel axis is the axis for one-hot encoding.
def one_hot_encode_along_channel_axis(sequence):
to_return = np.zeros((len(sequence),4), dtype=np.int8)
sequence=sequence, one_hot_axis=1)
return to_return
def seq_to_one_hot_fill_in_array(zeros_array, sequence, one_hot_axis):
assert one_hot_axis==0 or one_hot_axis==1
if (one_hot_axis==0):
assert zeros_array.shape[1] == len(sequence)
elif (one_hot_axis==1):
assert zeros_array.shape[0] == len(sequence)
#will mutate zeros_array
for (i,char) in enumerate(sequence):
if (char=="A" or char=="a"):
char_idx = 0
elif (char=="C" or char=="c"):
char_idx = 1
elif (char=="G" or char=="g"):
char_idx = 2
elif (char=="T" or char=="t"):
char_idx = 3
elif (char=="N" or char=="n"):
continue #leave that pos as all 0's
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported character: "+str(char))
if (one_hot_axis==0):
zeros_array[char_idx,i] = 1
elif (one_hot_axis==1):
zeros_array[i,char_idx] = 1
onehot_data = np.array([one_hot_encode_along_channel_axis(seq) for seq in data.sequences])
Load the model
In [6]:
from keras.models import model_from_json
#load the keras model
keras_model_weights = "keras2_conv1d_record_5_model_PQzyq_modelWeights.h5"
keras_model_json = "keras2_conv1d_record_5_model_PQzyq_modelJson.json"
keras_model = model_from_json(open(keras_model_json).read())
Install the deeplift package for the dinucleotide shuffling and visualzation code
In [7]:
!pip install deeplift
Define the function that generates the reference, in this case by performing a dinucleotide shuffle of the given input sequence
In [8]:
from deeplift.dinuc_shuffle import dinuc_shuffle, traverse_edges, shuffle_edges, prepare_edges
from collections import Counter
def onehot_dinuc_shuffle(s):
s = np.squeeze(s)
argmax_vals = "".join([str(x) for x in np.argmax(s, axis=-1)])
shuffled_argmax_vals = [int(x) for x in traverse_edges(argmax_vals,
to_return = np.zeros_like(s)
to_return[list(range(len(s))), shuffled_argmax_vals] = 1
return to_return
shuffle_several_times = lambda s: np.array([onehot_dinuc_shuffle(s) for i in range(100)])
Run DeepExplainer with the dynamic reference function
In [9]:
from deeplift.visualization import viz_sequence
import shap
import shap.explainers.deep.deep_tf
import numpy as np
import random
seqs_to_explain = onehot_data[[0,3,9]] #these three are positive for task 0
dinuc_shuff_explainer = shap.DeepExplainer((keras_model.input, keras_model.output[:,0]), shuffle_several_times)
raw_shap_explanations = dinuc_shuff_explainer.shap_values(seqs_to_explain)
#project the importance at each position onto the base that's actually present
dinuc_shuff_explanations = np.sum(raw_shap_explanations,axis=-1)[:,:,None]*seqs_to_explain
for dinuc_shuff_explanation in dinuc_shuff_explanations:
viz_sequence.plot_weights(dinuc_shuff_explanation, subticks_frequency=20)
In [ ]: